
Claim Your Free One2Five Session

For a limited time Australian Companies can try One2Five Energy or Water for free. Your free trial will allow you to run one free session and calculate your Star rating. When you are ready to gain access to your Critical Actions and Benchmarking Reports, we can help you move onto the plan that’s right for you.

How the Session Works

You will be guided through a series of questions about your current approach to energy or water management. These questions are aligned with 10 strategic management areas. You will achieve a rating out of 5 stars for each category depending on your responses. Being awarded 5 stars in a category indicates you are excelling in this aspect of management.

When you have completed the questions you’ll be able to calculate your overall Star rating. This is based on your individual Star ratings for each category. You can also go back and review or correct your answers before calculating your rating.

You’ll be awarded your overall rating and a preliminary summary of your session. To access your full Diagnostic Report with recommended Critical Actions and your Benchmarking Report, simply contact us to upgrade to one of our flexible monthly or annual plans.