Use One2Five As An Engagement Tool

Any energy consultant that has been engaged by a client to assist with improving energy management will understand that it’s not as simple as just looking at the power bill. While many savings can be found by negotiating reductions in energy tariffs, the biggest wins more often than not come from making genuine improvements in energy management procedures. This can include anything from making energy end users directly accountable for their energy spend, to introducing KPIs and creating a more energy efficient culture. As the famous management mantra goes, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’.

But understanding how to get your stakeholders to this next level of understand can at times be hard. Time poor executives and senior management can be difficult to engage with and are constantly looking for the best ROI when it comes to engaging external consultants. Understanding this and introducing One2Five at the beginning of the sales and/or engagement process can help you better understand your client’s needs and allow you target the points that are the key to senior management buy in and project satisfaction.

Use One2Five as an engagement tool

Pre-assessment and Profiling

You can use One2Five by yourself and answer the questions using your knowledge of the business. This will generate an action plan which you can use as a list of priorities. You can use the results of One2Five to explain determine a solution.

Run diagnostic with key management personnel, business, engineering and finance managers

You can run a diagnostic session with your stakeholders as a group session where you explore the current status of the business and develop a set of actions with input from others around the table. This is a great method for identifying needs that will help you improve resource efficiency management immediately. This will allow decision makers to reach consensus on the status of their management systems and to agree on the next best actions.

Use One2Five to structure the engagement process

Understanding the Status Quo

Getting discussion flowing with senior management can help you uncover things about your business and gain commitment. In large organisations, departments can have little to no understanding of initiatives that are taking place within other teams. You might uncover some great energy saving programs that are already in place that can form the basis of your program.

Chances are you’ll be able to pin-point the appetite for change/risk amongst the management team in this first session. This is important as your program will only be accepted if it matches their expectations.

Establishing a baseline upon which the business can improve

At the end of the session you’ll obtain a star rating. 6 – 12 months into the implementation of your energy program, One2Five can be re-run. More than likely, if your recommendations have been taken on board then the company will improve their star rating. Being able to document and measure progress in energy management will demonstrate value to the team and board.

About Roger Horwood

Roger has over 20 years experience in energy and carbon management and has gained a wealth of knowledge in energy services, long-term program development, industrial energy management and energy management information systems. As a Principal Consultant at Energetics, Roger provides strategic advice and technology solutions to industrial companies, preparing them for the emerging low carbon economy. Roger is an expert in developing processes and structures for the facilitation and evaluation of business systems using Energetics diagnostic tool, One2Five®.

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